Procedure: Skin Removal for Scarification
This is a process document for skin removal for scarification. It is meant to be used as a reference for performing the procedure, and thus does not have sufficient detail to learn how to do this. TODO disclaimer
Table of Contents
- Tools to sterilize
- Splinter forceps (x2 in case of drops)
- Adson forceps (optional)
- Eyebrow tweezers (optional)
- Hemostatic forceps (for scalpel changes)
- Skin hook (optional)
- #3 Scalpel handle x3
- Small bowl for waste gauze/skin
- Second small bowl, if using irrigation
- Cleaning
- Multi-surface cleaner
- Washcloth/other nonlinting cotton rag
- Cavicide wipes
- Sharps container
- Furniture
- Massage table/standing desk (or better if available)
- Puppy pads
- Equipment table for non-sterile items
- Bright lights
- Chair for self and assistant
- Mayo stand/salon table for sterile field (x2 if possible - one on right for tools, one on left for disposal of gauze)
- Bandaging
- Butterfly closures in case of emergency
- Suture kit in case of emergency, if you know how to use it
- Sterile foam pads with adhesive border
- Hydrogel w/ silver nanoparticles
- Self-adhesive wraps
- Bandage scissors
- PPE/wearable
- Surgical masks
- Gown (optional)
- Sterile gloves xSeveral (min. 3)
- Headlamp
- Loupe glasses (optional, I have these ones)
- Hair covering (optional)
- Items for sterile field
- Scalpel blades (#10, #11, and #15, 5 of each)
- Surgical drape sized for instrument table + 1inch, no fenestration (x2 for fuckups)
- Surgical drape with appropriately sized fenestration for skin removal (x2 for fuckups) (OK if you can't get one with the correct size fenestration; can widen as needed)
- Paper tape/other skin-safe tape to hold drape in place
- Sterile saline bottle, 100ml
- Sterile bulb syringe/bottle for irrigation (optional, can also just have a bowl to hold water and dab w/ gauze)
- Sterile gauze pads, not tiny
- Sterile dermal curettes, ~4mm x3
- Misc
- Handheld roll of plastic wrap for wrapping phone
- Snacks/food that everyone involved can eat
- Fan, for hot flashes/nausea
- Crystalized/candied ginger, for nausea
- Caffeine for artist + straw
- TV/monitor/computer to put on distracting stuff for subject (optional, one liked having wrestling videos, another skate vids)
- Equipment from:
1-2 Weeks Prior Prep
- Have Skin Removal Pre-Procedure Discussion
- Ensure subject knows How to Use Hibiclens Prior to Skin Removal and has a bottle
- Recommend subject goes easy on the injuries for a bit before and after
- Can suggest they ease up on the nicotine/smoking but we know they won't
- Plan time and date. Ensure there is flex time after bc this can go LONG.
- Ensure we own all needed equipment (including appropriately sized bandages), reorder as needed
- Ensure you're practiced with the equipment
- Ensure equipment is comfortable for extended wear (headlamp, loupe if using)
- Confirm you know the major veins, arteries, etc around the area you'll be working in
Day Of Prep
- Follow Proc > Clean Tools and then Proc > Sterilize Tools for your reusable tools.
- Charge headlamp
- Review sterile technique
- Clean self (shower). Put up hair if it's long.
- Clean environment (tidy, sweep/vacuum, mop, wipe down surfaces with standard cleaner)
- Set up furniture and put other equipment on secondary equipment table
- Adjust height of instrument table to be between waist and shoulder height, seated and standing
- If using a non-comfortable table (i.e. a desk instead of a massage table), add blankets/pillows until it won't suck terribly to be on for a few hours. Have subject lie on it to check. Cut open a trash bag and put it down, inside facing up, to protect the fabric around the working area.
- Put down puppy pad on table
- Ensure water or electrolyte beverage in reach of subject
- Ensure everyone is fed and watered. Non-negotiable! Eat something!
- Caffeinate appropriately
- Ensure pets are put away, or assistant present to keep them busy
- Assistant should wrap their phone in plastic wrap (leaving hole for camera)
Immediately Pre-Procedure
- Ensure everyone has used the bathroom.
- Start some music, with a playlist going
- Disinfect environment with cavicide wipes
- Give subject surgical mask
- Put on headlamp. Set at appropriate angle and turn it on.
- Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene with soap/water. Apply clean gloves.
- Follow Proc > Transfer Design and Prep Skin
- Get subject laying down on table. Position subject so it will be easy to keep scalpel perpendicular to skin, using dominant hand, without crossing forceps and blade.
- Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene and put on new clean gloves.
- Assistant performs Proc > Hand Hygiene and dons clean gloves
- Create sterile field
- Apply drape to subject, only touching outer one inch. Tape in place.
- Apply drape to instrument trays, only touching outer one inch
- If no assistant, add items to sterile field now by dropping them 6in. Add scalpel blades if no assistant, otherwise we can open as we go
- Don PPE
- Don gown. Pull the sleeves down to the wrists, and tie at neck and waist.
- Apply surgical mask.
- Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
- Pull on sterile gloves to cover the wrist of the gown.
- With help of assistant, add items to instrument tray:
- Sterile tools from pouch
- Container for saline (close to edge)
- Have assistant pour saline into container
- Sterile gauze pads (close to edge)
- Waste bowl
- #10, #11, #15 scalpel blades
- If fenestration in drape is too small, tear or cut it until you can see the whole area.
Line a piece of the design, remove it, repeat. Clean up supersection depth with curette. This section intentionally left as a stub, as this document is more of a checklist than a repository for notes.
- Use saline-soaked gauze to remove debris
- Apply sterile gauze with pressure until it stops bleeding
- Use saline-soaked gauze to remove any remaining debris, and clean up periwound PVP-I
- Apply hydrogel directly in wound, then sterile bordered foam. Subject is now free to move around.
- Use forceps to put blades in sharps container.
- Doff PPE
- Gloves: glove to glove, skin to skin.
- Gown
- Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
- Remove mask
- Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
- Don clean gloves. Follow Proc > Clean Tools.
- Clean up most visibly soiled items (gauze with blood, drapes)
- Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
- You can now rest for a while. Go sit outside and talk. Eat something.
- Give subject aftercare instructions and relevant bandages/equipment.
- Have assistant help finish cleaning up. Use clean hand/dirty hand technique. Disinfect surfaces.