Procedure: Skin Removal for Scarification

This is a process document for skin removal for scarification. It is meant to be used as a reference for performing the procedure, and thus does not have sufficient detail to learn how to do this. TODO disclaimer

Table of Contents

  1. Equipment
  2. 1-2 Weeks Prior Prep
  3. Day Of Prep
  4. Immediately Pre-Procedure
  5. Procedure
  6. Completion
  7. Todo


1-2 Weeks Prior Prep

Day Of Prep

  1. Follow Proc > Clean Tools and then Proc > Sterilize Tools for your reusable tools.
  2. Charge headlamp
  3. Review sterile technique
  4. Clean self (shower). Put up hair if it's long.
  5. Clean environment (tidy, sweep/vacuum, mop, wipe down surfaces with standard cleaner)
  6. Set up furniture and put other equipment on secondary equipment table
    • Adjust height of instrument table to be between waist and shoulder height, seated and standing
    • If using a non-comfortable table (i.e. a desk instead of a massage table), add blankets/pillows until it won't suck terribly to be on for a few hours. Have subject lie on it to check. Cut open a trash bag and put it down, inside facing up, to protect the fabric around the working area.
    • Put down puppy pad on table
  7. Ensure water or electrolyte beverage in reach of subject
  8. Ensure everyone is fed and watered. Non-negotiable! Eat something!
  9. Caffeinate appropriately
  10. Ensure pets are put away, or assistant present to keep them busy
  11. Assistant should wrap their phone in plastic wrap (leaving hole for camera)

Immediately Pre-Procedure

  1. Ensure everyone has used the bathroom.
  2. Start some music, with a playlist going
  3. Disinfect environment with cavicide wipes
  4. Give subject surgical mask
  5. Put on headlamp. Set at appropriate angle and turn it on.
  6. Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene with soap/water. Apply clean gloves.
  7. Follow Proc > Transfer Design and Prep Skin
  8. Get subject laying down on table. Position subject so it will be easy to keep scalpel perpendicular to skin, using dominant hand, without crossing forceps and blade.
  9. Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene and put on new clean gloves.
  10. Assistant performs Proc > Hand Hygiene and dons clean gloves
  11. Create sterile field
    • Apply drape to subject, only touching outer one inch. Tape in place.
    • Apply drape to instrument trays, only touching outer one inch
    • If no assistant, add items to sterile field now by dropping them 6in. Add scalpel blades if no assistant, otherwise we can open as we go
  12. Don PPE
    1. Don gown. Pull the sleeves down to the wrists, and tie at neck and waist.
    2. Apply surgical mask.
    3. Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
    4. Pull on sterile gloves to cover the wrist of the gown.
  13. With help of assistant, add items to instrument tray:
    • Sterile tools from pouch
    • Container for saline (close to edge)
    • Have assistant pour saline into container
    • Sterile gauze pads (close to edge)
    • Waste bowl
    • #10, #11, #15 scalpel blades
  14. If fenestration in drape is too small, tear or cut it until you can see the whole area.


Line a piece of the design, remove it, repeat. Clean up supersection depth with curette. This section intentionally left as a stub, as this document is more of a checklist than a repository for notes.


  1. Use saline-soaked gauze to remove debris
  2. Apply sterile gauze with pressure until it stops bleeding
  3. Use saline-soaked gauze to remove any remaining debris, and clean up periwound PVP-I
  4. Apply hydrogel directly in wound, then sterile bordered foam. Subject is now free to move around.
  5. Use forceps to put blades in sharps container.
  6. Doff PPE
    1. Gloves: glove to glove, skin to skin.
    2. Gown
    3. Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
    4. Remove mask
    5. Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
  7. Don clean gloves. Follow Proc > Clean Tools.
  8. Clean up most visibly soiled items (gauze with blood, drapes)
  9. Perform Proc > Hand Hygiene.
  10. You can now rest for a while. Go sit outside and talk. Eat something.
  11. Give subject aftercare instructions and relevant bandages/equipment.
  12. Have assistant help finish cleaning up. Use clean hand/dirty hand technique. Disinfect surfaces.